Press Release of Three Brotherhood Alliance's Unilateral Ceasefire Extension and Offreing a Bilateral Ceasefire to Myanmar Army
June 1, 2020
Press Release of Three Brotherhood Alliance’s Unilateral Ceasefire Extension as a Sixth Term for Three Months and Offering a Bilateral Ceasefire to Myanmar Army
No. 8/2020
1 June 2020
Our Three Brotherhood Alliance of the Kokang (MNTJP/MNDAA), the Ta’ang (PSLF/TNLA) and the Arakanese (ULA/AA) has declared a unilateral ceasefire for several times with the aim:
(1) To resolve serious political problems through political dialogue,
(2) To effectively carry out practical tasks in conformity with the peace process between our organizations and the government of Myanmar and its military,
(3) To protect life and property of the general public for the sake of the majority of people occurring without any fighting,
(4) To actually implement bilateral ceasefire agreements and to end civil war completely,
(5) To assist the preventive and combative measures in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and
(6) To promote peace in Myanmar and stability of the borders of neighbouring countries bordering with Myanmar. We have already extended our unilateral ceasefire for five terms from 2019 till May 2020.
Despite the fact that Myanmar Army has also declared a unilateral ceasefire for several times like us, clashes continue to have broken out. That the...
Posted at: 07:32 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Press release of ULA/A/AA
June 1, 2020
Press release of an ultimatum demanding “the total and immediate withdrawal of the administrative apparatus of the Burmese regime and all Burmese armed forces from Arakan”
United League of Arakan/Arakan Army, which was formed comprising of all peoples of Arakan and ethnic minorities with the aims for the liberation of the entire oppressed population of Arakan from the Burmese colonial occupation and misrule, the right of national equality and self-determination, the regaining of national losses and entitlements of the Arakanese, and the emergence of a new society of Arakan which is secure, peace, developed, free and dignified, has been implementing the Arakanese national goal in line with “the Way of Rakhita”.
It is hereby notified that no armed forces of the Burmese regime in Arakan shall be accepted by the ULA/AA. Myanmar Police Force and Border Guard Forces, which are under the control and subdivisions of the Myanmar Military under the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services , have been collaborating to carry out operations support activities for the Myanmar Army’s offensive attacks against the Arakan Army, arbitrary detention and torture of civilians of Arakan in the four-cuts campaign of the Myanmar Army. This is an ultimatum that...
Posted at: 07:16 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
ULA/AA's Response to Office of the Commander-in-Chief of Myanmar Army's Statement
May 11, 2020
ULA/AA’s response to Office of the Commander-in-Chief of Myanmar Army’s statement on ceasefire and eternal peace during the COVID-19 pandemic
“Statement on ceasefire and lasting peace” released by Office of the Commander-in-Chief of Myanmar Army on 9 May 2020 was just a sham without substance. That devious statement is also a deliberate attempt, in which the Myanmar Army has used the Coronavirus pandemic to take military and political advantages and to lessen the pressure of ICJ.
Sending supportive information concerning the preventive measures of coronavirus by the government of Myanmar and asking cooperation by the Myanmar Army whilst launching their intensified offensive assaults is just a political trick which is inconstant, irresponsible and illogical. Similarly, “everyone must follow peace policy of the Commander-in-Chief of Myanmar Army” highlighted in their statement explicitly shows that the Myanmar Army does not want peace in Myanmar but they are going to strengthen their military domination.
The similar statement has already been released by the Myanmar Army on 21 December 2018. Like the old one, the current statement has also excluded Arakan region and the hidden-agenda of their statement is to launch the full-scaled war targeting and focusing only on the Arakan Army and...
Posted at: 11:14 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Press Release of the Fifth-Term Extension of a Unilateral Ceasefire by Three Brotherhood Alliance
May 8, 2020
Press Release of the fifth-term extension of a unilateral ceasefire by
Three Brotherhood Alliance
3 May 2020
Despite the constantly extension of unilateral ceasefire by Our Three Brotherhood Alliance of the Kokang (MNTJP/MNDAA), the Ta’ang (PSLF/TNLA) and the Arakan (ULA/AA), Myanmar Army has not halted their sea-land-air joint operations against the Arakan Army but conducted the most intensified offensive assaults than ever, based on racial hatred, targeting civilians of Arakan. As a result, heavy fighting is occurring on a daily basis to date.
In a same way, the government of Myanmar and the Myanmar Army have been pressuring and attacking us from every angle in order for our Three Brotherhood Alliance to face military and political crises in addition to sporadic fighting in the Ta’ang and the Kokang regions. Therefore, mutual trust is deteriorating and a potential flame of civil war recurrence can be seen after receding peace process in Myanmar.
The unilateral ceasefire our Three Brotherhood Alliance has declared for several times is to effectively carry out practical tasks and to facilitate the peace building process between our organizations and the government of Myanmar and its military. Similarly, we have now extended a...
Posted at: 11:21 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Statement of INGOs in Myanmar on the situation in Rakhine
April 1, 2019
As international NGOs supporting communities throughout Rakhine State, we express our deep concern with the continued fighting between the Myanmar Security and the Arakan Army Forces. This conflict is causing civilian casualties, displacing communities, and worsening the already precarious humanitarian situation in central and northern Rakhine State. Echoing our previous statement from January 2019, we urge all parties to the conflict to ensure the protection of civilians in compliance with international humanitarian law and human rights law
Compounding the impact of conflict and displacement on communities, since January 10, 2019, the Government of Myanmar has imposed restrictions on the access of humanitarian and development agencies in five key townships (Kyauktaw, Ponnagyun, Buthidaung, Maungdaw and Rathedaung in Rakhine State). Newly imposed restrictions are also affecting access to rural areas in Mrauk U township.
At least 95,000 people living in these conflict affected areas, are no longer able to access a number of basic and essential services. Health care services, education and access to clean water have all been jeopardized. Livelihood programmes, agricultural support and other development efforts have also been suspended, impacting the food security and wellbeing of these communities. While some relief activities targeting newly displaced populations have been...
Posted at: 10:43 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Inhuman Burmese Army Kills and Arrests in Outthakan Village
March 29, 2019

Badge of 55Th Light Infantry Division based in Aungban, South Shan State
Brutal Burmese Army 55Th Light Infantry Division committed war crime in the Outthakan Villege, Mrauk U Township at the morning of 3/29/2018.
They surrounded the village and opened fire the deliberate killing of unarmed civilians without fighting between the Burmese Army and the Army. At least 2 killed. 6 wounded, and 6 arrested as porters. said villagers. The Burmese Army unlawfully killed U Pho Khin, 60, and Ma Sape, 25, who was a small grocer. Also two animals,a cow and a pig, were shot dead.
The arbitrary arresting innocent people are:
1) U Ba Tun
2) U Sein Tun, 40
3) U Hla Thein Maung, 45
4) U Ko Naing, 40
5) U Maung Fru Chay, 50
6) Unknown person from Kratsaun Village
During the arresting, U Sein Tun and U Hla Thein Maung were beaten by bloodthirsty Burmese troops.
In human Burmese Army is intentionally attacked with the fake battles against the civilians in Arakan. They committed war crime constantly with the killing and other violences: torture , ill-treatment, and arbitrary arrests.
Similarly, brutal Burmese Army committed attacks against civilians in the Setaung Village, Buddor Village, Thameehla...
Posted at: 07:35 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
One Killed and Four Injuried by Brutal Burmese Army
March 28, 2019

Wounded Women
Innocent civilians who live in Outthakan village are killed by shooting and shelling of brutal Burmese Army at local time 6:30 am today in Arakan on 03/29/19. According to local report, at leastone young girl killed and 4 (one female and 3 males) injured. One woman is seriously wounded in her head and leg and admitted to cure as a inner patient at the Mrauk U Hospital. Three men who are minor injuried have been treating at the Tinnyo Hospital, Mrauk U Township.
Posted at: 09:11 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Brutal Burmese Army Artilleries Shell the Mountainous Areas of Laymro River
March 24, 2019
Brutal Burmese Army based in Mrauk U shelled the mountainous areas of Laymro River. Their artilleries fired 46 rounds from 7am to 6:30 pm, said local people. Burmese Army has sat two positions of artilleries at the top of two mountains, Northeast of Mrauk U. According to local report source said that there were fighting between the inhuman Burmese Army and the Arakan Army at the Watchaung areas of upper Laymro River. During fighting, Burmese troops were killed and blocked by the Arakan Army. How many Burmese soldiers were killed, not yet confirmed in detail information.These artillaries shelled to battle area.
The battles have engaged between the insurgent Burmese Army and Arakan Army in Arakan and extented into Mrauk U Township. Currently, locals have said 500 Burmese troops are acting near the Mrauk U area. Civilians of Mrauk U are still concerned about brutal Burmese Army intentionally attacked against innocent people last on 15,18 March.
Posted at: 06:16 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
5 Innocent Civilians from Sun Sha Site Village Are Arrested By Brutal Burmese Army
March 23, 2019
Recently, 5 innocent civilians from Sun Sha Site Village, Mrauk U, were arrested by the 540 and 377 Light Infantry Battalion of brutal Burmese Army, which are now targeting to attack directly against civilians in Arakan. Arresting persons are cowherds and gardener. 4 cowhands were captured at the 377 LIB Bongdat military area and one gardener was arrested at the Natdone Mrauk U City wall when they were looking for their cows and going to the garden. One young man who is a gardener ,Thak national, indigenous people of Arakan, released after buying alcohol for Burmese troops of 540 LIB at the Natdone of Panzeeyaung creek. 4 cowhands are still detained at the Mrauk U Police Station, however it is not yet confirmed, according to local report.
They are:
1) Japu, 20 years old, son of U Maung Ni Chay
2) Kyaw Mum Tun, 25 years old, son of U Kyaw Than Maung
3) Maung San Naing, 30 years old, son of U San Thein
4) U Shwe Maung, 41 years old, son of U U Sein Hla
Their families are deeply concerned about in this arbitrary arrest and detention of Burmese Army, which is widely committed war crime against...
Posted at: 09:26 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
5 Innocent Civilians Are Killed By Heartless Burmese Army
March 21, 2019

According to Social Media Facebook post, 4 innocent family were and one Senior Woman mercilessly killed during hiding in the sefty hole by the shooting of Burmese Army at the night of Se Taung Village, Buthitaung Township.
The death list of family is:
1) U Maung Aye Tun
2) Daw Than Nyint
3) Daw Ma Sein Kyaunt
4) Six years old daughter of Daw Than Nyint
5) U Ba Nyint's Mother, 70 years old
Local people source said, 22nd Division of inhuman Burmese Army brutally shot the Se Taung Village with the heavy weapons around at 10 pm yesterday to until 7:30 am today.This is absolutely committed war crime and started crim against humanity in Arakan. Obviously, Burmese Army has targeted direct threat against the civilians when they have faced drubbing against the Arakan Army since 2018.
Posted at: 06:46 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink