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WAO Donates $3065 for Flood Victims in Arakan

August 10, 2015



WAO-USA:  U.S. based World Arakanese Organization, a 501 (c) (3) benefits not for profit organization, has made a contribution $3065 (3748000 Kyats) to flood affected victims in Arakan.

 Recently, WAO has donated $3065 for two social organizations: Mercy Serving Youth Social Providing Organization and Arakan Flood Victims Relief and Providing Committee (Rangoon), which is formed to collaborate relies effort by all main social organizations of Arakan. WAO offered $2025 (2,500,000 Kyats) for Mercy Serving Youth Social Organization on Sunday, August 2, 2015 and $1040 (1,248,000 Kyats) for Arakan Flood Victims Relief and Providing Committee (Rangoon) on Thursday, August 6, 2015.

World Arakanese Organization is so sad when the causing of flood in many parts of the Myanmar, including Arakan due to torrential monsoon rains in the aftermath of cyclone Komen. It continues to cause flooding in Arakan, leaving dozens dead, and thousands are displaced. Widespread flooding is affecting large areas of the Northern Arakan. The worst townships, especially, are Moung Taw, Buthi Toung, Kyauk Taw, Mrauk, and Mun Pra.

According to Arakan State government’s statistics, at least 61 dead, 85426 displaced and 16656 houses affected of flooding. And 4654 dead of cows and buffalos, 3057701 acre of farm land flooded, and total lost 34290.386 million kyats in Arakan from July 24 to 5 August,

Many people face hardship of foods, pure water, medicine, clothing, and shelters. They need emergency relief and rehabilitation. Especially, farmers need to help as soon as possible during cultivation season because they have lost cows, buffalos, and paddy sees. Arakan (Rakhine State) is one of the second poorest states of Myanmar (Burma) after Chin State and is totally dependent on agriculture, fishing, and forestry which are the major Arakanese industries. Rice is the main crop in Arakan State and rice cultivation takes up the 85% of total agricultural land.

For the aims to provide help the flood  people of Arakan, WAO held an emergency teleconference at 9 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) on Sunday, August 2, 2015. It has made decision to collect donation across the United State of America through the WAO-USA’s Executive Committee members. WAO is collecting and offering the donation to the flood victims. As an update, WAO has already received total donation $5285 from sympathetic benefactors in U.S.A.: $2025 from California, $1060 from Arizona, $840 from Virginia, $800 from Buffalo and $560 from North Carolina. So far, WAO will do the best way to donate for the people of natural disaster.

WAO thanks for all kind donors and highly appreciate that many social organizations have offered help the flood victims who are suffering mentally and physically in Myanmar.

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